Fun Palaces is a national campaign for cultural democracy. It's a reminder that we all have skills, talents, interests and passions, and that we can share and learn from one-another as peers. I've been involved with Fun Palaces since I spent a year on secondment as Interim Director of Voluntary Arts Scotland, and have been fortunate to host Fun Palaces at Macrobert Arts Centre, Stirling, in 2018 and 2019.
Fun Palace participants ('Makers') in Stirling have shared their skills in everything from folk dance and apple pressing (not at the same time) to origami and stage make up. And it's given me the opportunity to share my love of books (the book swap we created at Fun Palaces 2018 became a permanent fixture at Macrobert) and letter writing. In 2019 I shared my stash of greetings cards, along with a few provocations for sending a 'letter of kindness'.
Fun Palaces is a gorgeous campaign, bringing people together and building connections, understanding and confidence. It's about active participation, the handing over of power to communities, and a celebration of 'the genius in everyone'.